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The Full Story
The Adventure of Fatherhood was created out of a desire to make the world a better place. Our world is in desperate need of healthy leadership. We must look beyond our own lifetimes. For the world to have peace, love, and joy in 1000 years we must start to build stability in our homes. This starts with the father knowing who he is, then loving and serving his family each and every day. This is his calling.
Ned Schaut is the father to five kiddos and husband to one wife, Sarah. In 2015 Ned discovered that his primary role in life was to embrace the adventure of fatherhood. Since that time he has continued to work on himself to become the father his family needs. Along the way, he has been sharing what he learns with other men in the pursuit of mastering the craft of fatherhood.
To learn more about the fatherhood work Ned has done please visit his website Rebel & Create, watch his TedX Talk: "Fatherhood Can Change the World", or take a listen to the Rebel & Create Podcast.